Thursday 12 October 2017


Written while pursuing the WBNUJS bussiness law diploma


The establishment and running of a new business or startup requires investments and this need no introduction , in other words if we consider the entire startup to be the cell , initial investment is the mitochondria i.e the powerhouse of the cell , the power generating unit . Raising investments is one of the primary concerns of an enterprise . Startups require sufficient amount of capital to initiate their operations as well as to expand their business . most of the businesses depend on concentrated efforts in raising capital but it should also be noted that this isnt a hard and fast rule and sometimes capital may even come from internal sources . Sometimes a startup may start with meager capital , or the initial investment is done by the founders themselves and thereafter the fund needed for expansion is generated by the cash flows in the business . The two main sources of raising capital are i) by raising funds i.e equity and ; ii) by debt . Keeping the present scenario in mind it may be said that it is notably difficult to raise investment for a business organized in any form other than a company from institutional investors . raising  investments from foreigners also become difficult particularly for business other than a company such as LLPs . Foreigners are more comfortable in investing in companies than any other business forms .
The word commercial intent plays an important part in the investment . \The manner in which  investment transaction will be carried out , the investment drafting and negotiation process is carried out , keeping in mind the commercial intent of the investment .
Now based on the intent of the investor , investment can be broadly divided into two categories :-

i)                    FINANCIAL INVESTMENTS   and
ii)                   STRATEGIC INVESTMENTS


The investments made with the sole intention of making profit through dividend and appreciation of the value of their share holding over the years , is called financial investment . A financial investor be it private equity investors or angel investors invest with the expectation of making only financial returns in the form of cash flow . Financial investors generally have time boundations and they try to recover their invested amounts within that specific time ( a few years) and then  exit the company . Now let us get a brief concept about strategic investment .


Strategic investments are the investments usually made by cash rich giants to smaller business starups in order to benefit from their business synergies . The main aim in strategic investment is to exert control over the smaller company and ultimately acquire controlling stake and merge the company with the investor company .
As discussed earlier the primary concern of any enterprise is raising investments . It should be mentioned here that there are certain stages of raising the investment . Let us discuss those stages in details .
Investment transaction basically takes place through six different stages , namely –
i)                    Approaching potential investors
ii)                   Expression of interest by investors
iii)                 Due diligence
iv)                 Execution of necessary investment document
v)                  Satisfaction of conditions precedent
vi)                 Inflow of money and compliance requirements

Now lets discuss each of the above mentioned points in detail ..

i)                    Approaching investors :-

This can be termed as the first stage of investment transaction where entrepreneurs are required to approach the potential investors to persuade them to invest in their startups . Investment banks often help in creating a vridge between fast growing early stage companies and  potential investors  as they have huge number of high profit seeking clients . The first stage in an investment transaction is the presention of the business plan and the commercial aspects of the company  seeking an investment to the potential investor . The next step what interested investors do is that , the execute a term sheet .

ii)                   Expression of interest by investors

Now as soon as the potential investor intends to invest in the entrepreneur’s business , it executes a typical term sheet or letter of intent . Now what is a term sheet ???
Term sheet – term sheet is a kind of non binding document dealing with theimportant commercial and legal issues of transaction in bullet points . Any of the clauses of term sheet may have binding effect but it has to be specifically mentioned by the concerned party as binding such as any kind of confidentiality cause relating to any business plan where the parties will be under an obligation not to disclose the business plan or commercial intent of the company or business with any other third party . Investors may also persuade the promoter to observe an exclusivity period i.e a period during which the promoter wont be able to approach other potential investors . This gives time to the investor party to rethink the deal and imposing an exclusivity period also gives thm room to negotiate the particular deal  if it had not been closed .  Investors may also propose to insert a “break fee” clause requiring the promoter company to incur certain costs borne by the investor . The term sheet also deals with the agreement of the parties  over material terms and conditions which form the basis of creation of the definitive legal agreements such as share purchase agreements , share holders agreement etc . A term sheet should from its very inception clearly indicate the commercial proposals of the investor .


The term letter of  intent as it sounds is actually self explanatory . In simple words it means a document containing words that clearly declare the intention of the writer . It is synonymous with the expression term sheet . From a legal sense a letter of intent lays down the basic commercial proposals , mutual understanding between the parties on key issues , any special clause mentioned by any party. A letter of intent generally provides for an exclusive negotiation . Most provisions of Letter of intent is non binding i.e same as that of term sheet . A major difference between term sheet and letter of intent is that a term sheet is written in bullet points whereas a letter of intent is written in paragraphs in a detailed manner .
Now what are the exact functions of a term sheet  / letter of intent ???
Both term sheet and letter of intent –
ð  Mentions the understandings between the parties on key issues
ð  Mentions the intents of the parties and the commercial proposals of the investor
ð  Provides a basis for negotiations
ð  Mentions any kind of special clause mentioned by any of the parties be in confidentiality clause or  break fee clause i.e paying of a specific fee by the promoter to the investor
ð  Creates a documentary basis for soliciting loans / finance etc\
It must be noted here again that a term sheet is supposed to be prepared by the investor . It is an investor ‘s thing . After presentation of the term sheet / letter of intent by the investor the deal becomes open for negotiation and both the parties negotiate over key issues relating to the investment   keeping in mind the commercial intent of the startup founder i.e the commercial intent of the promoter . After the negotiations are complete the first round of investment documention is circulated . The next step includes negotiation of the wordings of the investment documents by the lawyers of both sides or even entrepreneur and investor from their respective sides .

iii)                 Due diligence

The terms due diligence literally means a vivid research done to evaluate the commercial potential of the business or to avoid any burden of any trouble / loss in future , it may also be said to be identifying of the potential negativities (by conducting a vivid research) and renegotiating the deal . Due diligence can be of different types depending on the situation namely financial due diligence , environmental due diligence ,legal due diligence , factory due diligence , etc . If the investor  discovers some preexisting /potential threatsor risks relating to the deal  , he may order the carrying out a due diligence to identify and minimize these already present / potential risks. If after the due diligence serious non compliance with the existing laws are found then the investor may opt not to proceed with transaction further or ask for specific indemnity , warranties . Sometimes the irregularities discover as a result of due diligence is placed in condition precedent and the promoter must rectify those before proceeding further with the deal . Now there are time boundations in the process of conducting due diligence . As per the company law , past records of a company can be examined to a maximum of past 3yrs whereas in case of environmental records past 7years of records are usually taken into account .

iv)                 Satisfaction of condition precedent

After signing of the investment condition the promoter has to fulfill all the condition precedents specified in the investment agreement and also take necessary steps to regularize the risks mentioned in the due diligence report .

v)                  Inflow of cash

After the issuance of completion certificate by the director of the company once the necessary actions have been taken the investor and the company appoint a date specified within the time period mentioned in the agreement  for receiving money from investor , issue of shares to investor , adoption of amended articles .